Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do first?
First find your local FM frequency by using our Frequency map. Then find your closest Seller by using our Google Maps feature on the Sellers tab. Double check your serial #'s using our Calendar tab
Use the Formats & Payouts sheet
Use the helper/cheat sheet to keep track of numbers called
What frequency do I use?
We have a number of towers across the province- all airing either 98.5 FM (Northern Alberta) or 88.1 FM (Southern Alberta) If you do not get any of our FM signals, you can tune in via SHAW Direct 852 or Stream online
(Keep in mind, all streaming can have a 10-60 second delay)
How does the game air on two stations?
CFWE is our Northern Alberta Station and CJWE is our Southern Alberta Station. Radio Bingo takes over both stations during bingo and airs on both platforms
I was sold the wrong cards, what do I do now?
It is best and more time efficient to go to the seller you purchased the cards from, and do a straight across exchange for new cards. If seller does not have the cards from the game date, please call our office for assistance.
Can I buy games for multiple days?
A number of our sellers are in remote areas, so we leave it up to the sellers discretion, as some players do drive quite a ways for cards. All cards are shipped and received approximately 1 week ahead of games. So at most you could buy a weeks worth of cards. It is best not to buy too many at once anyway, to avoid serial number confusion
It's my first time - How many cards should I buy?
Our booklets include 7 series (strips of cards) and each strip has 3 cards (3-up)
We call 10-12 seconds between numbers, give yourself time to learn the game and only play as many as you can handle and are comfortable with.
I bingo'd on the same number/before, but did not get through the phone line?
First, are you playing on the radio or streaming? Streaming has a 10-60 second delay depending on your provider. Second, did you call from a cell phone? Towers can effect a phone call by
1-3 seconds
Third, Did you have us on speed dial? If another player calls in ahead of you, you have to split the winnings
What is the Bingo Payout Schedule?
We apply for our payout schedule every 2 years with our license with AGLC. We play $10,000 EVERY Monday,
Thursday & Saturday during the winter months (Sept - May)
and $7,500 EVERY
Thursday & Saturday in the summer months (Jun - Aug)
I couldn't play my cards, what do I do with them?
Cards can be exchanged at the seller you purchased from, if you were sold the wrong cards. Otherwise they are
null and void.
The signal went out/keeps going in and out/is staticy?
Our signal can be effected by multiple factors: weather storms, freezing, tower issues, etc. We have no control over electrical outages or problems, so if there are any reception issues, please mail in your cards with a note explaining what happened along with all of your contact information. A Gift certificate will be issued to you upon managers approval, to purchase new cards
How do I play?
Print off or use the formats sheet to familiarize yourself with our patterns & payouts. Listen to the caller as they will announce the Series (Color) sheet and what pattern being played for.
We start with Series 1 (BLUE card), Playing for 3 Horizontal Lines, once we have a player claim that game, we move onto the Full card (still playing on BLUE) then when a player claims that game, the caller will announce the winning numbers for that series once again, then move onto Series 2 (ORANGE card) Playing for Letter X, etc. ALWAYS listen to the caller, and use our NEW YouTube Board tool if you don't have any helpers!
How long does it take to receive my winnings?
We are expecting delivery times anywhere from 1-3 weeks. We do all of our shipping via Canada Post, Bonanza winner cheques are expedited and tracked, otherwise all other winner's are sent in general mail
Why does YouTube have no sound or feed?
YouTube is our newest third-party tool, this can be used like our helpers/cheat sheets, follow the games and the numbers called. We do not link the sound as we are not responsible for YouTube's satellites, if a technical error happens we only have so much control over it. The game is broadcasted over the radio and can be streamed online, Telus Optik 7056 or Shaw Direct 852 (streaming can be 10 seconds - 2 minutes delay, depending on your provider) We recommend players to use a FM radio as there are no delays!
The phone line
1-888-946-2441 is hanging up on me?
We only utilize one phone line during the game as that is how we determine who the FIRST caller is when claiming a bingo. The phone person can only take one call at a time. We have a queue of 20 lines, they play a recording to let you know you are on hold. It is not often that we go over the 20 phone lines, unless there are reception issues/outages/errors and the phone lines get overwhelmed, thus causing any caller over the 20 lines to get bumped off the line. The same goes for a busy night, if there are a lot of players calling in to claim a win, if you get a busy signal, wait 3-5 mins and try calling again. Our bingo staff stay in the office until 10 mins after the LAST phone call