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Radio Bingo Rules

1. Card sales for each bingo game starts at 6:05pm from last bingo game and STOP at 6PM of the next game day.


2. Minimum twelve (12) second delay between numbers called.


3. The first five (5) numbers on series 1, 5, & 7 will be recapped by callerIf there are any technical issues during any series, a recap will be done of five or more numbers.


4. All bingo paper is controlled by serial numbers


5. Color and serial number of card must match color and serial number being played


6. Bingo Cards MUST be Verified by Phone on evening of Bingo


7. The first verified bingo will determine winning numbers for each game


8.  Bingos that were won on the same verified number or before verified number for each game on any series will be honored. Call during the 15 minute break end of series 4 or end of series 7. 


9. Players must have the following information ready when phoning in their bingo: free space number, series number, serial number at top of card, and the number on which bingo was won. Names must be spelled for the person on the phone and proper mailing address is required


10. If there is more than one winner, prizes will be split equally. Minimum payout is $20


11. Winners name, mailing address and phone number must be on the back of the card and returned to Radio Bingo for payment.  Radio Bingo does not accept faxed bingo cards. Do not cut your strips, mail in the whole strip


12. Prizes will be issued after winning card is received by the station. All bingo cards must be played within Alberta.


13. Prizes must be claimed within thirty (30) days of event. Cards mailed after 30 days are considered forfeited


14. Late bingos will be honored if phoned in after Series 7. Bingo staff prepare to leave after 15 minutes of no incoming phone calls.


15. Bingo cards not played due to technical difficulties and the CFWE Radio Bingo cannot be broadcasted, the player can return cards to CFWE for a gift certificate, as long as returned within thirty (30) days of eventNo refunds will be issued.


16. Cheques will be ready for pick up the next day after 2:00 pm. If you win on Saturday, cheques will be ready Monday after 2:00 pm.


17. Players must be 18 years or older to purchase bingo cards, to play and to win Radio Bingo.


18. Employees of the Aboriginal Multi-Media Society (AMMSA) are not allowed to play


19. There will be a 15 minute break after Series 4.


20. Bingo game start time is 6:00 pm and end time is 8:45 pm.


21. CFWE Radio Bingo is not responsible for player's telephone issues or quality/reliability of internet connections. Radio Bingo is not responsible for computer crashes or stream line delay. Remember online streaming has a 10 sec or more delay depending on your provider.


22. No refunds on unplayed (unused) bingo cards.


23. If there is a discrepancy between the YouTube board and number called, the valid number is the one broadcasted by caller.


Call 1-888-946-2441 with your bingo!


Mail Cards to: Radio Bingo        

13245-146 St. NW, Edmonton, AB  T5L 4S8        

P: 1-888-946-2441        

(A production of the Aboriginal Multi-Media Society)        


Approved by the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission / Bingo License #684696 / Expires: March 31, 2026


Revised April 4, 2024


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